Wednesday 26 June 2013

Honey may be a friend to you and your family. TIPS OF HONEY FOR BEAUTY AND HEALTH

1. Honey is Sustainer of Life
Honey enriched the contents nutritious and can save you in critical times such as before the pain, until you are healthy. The content in honey is anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, and even water. Believe it or not, honey can be one helper when you need the nutrients and moisture.
2. Honey, Treat it Naturally
Other honey awesomeness is able to treat it naturally. Honeymoon at the present able to combat allergies, bacteria, and cure your illness through inside and outside. Why is that so? Every drop of honey contains antibiotics that are able to deal with the infection in our body. Honey and lemon is the right combination to be a shield health, while treating a sick throat.
3. Honey Good For Acne Skin
Wave your hands on acne since you can handle it with honey. Just use organic honey rubbed on the hands and wait until the warmth of your hands to seep into honey. Then use on the face. Wait five minutes and wipe with a soft damp warm towel. Feel the sensation on your skin.
4. Honey Can Be Friends Forever
Honey can be your best friend anytime and anywhere. Honey is able to keep herself safe for consumption because it is durable and long lasting. So, do not waste you store honey for 6 months because it can still be consumed, ladies.
5. Honey It Softens
Women need to be and feel beautiful. If you feel the hands, feet or your hair coarse and dull, try the honey mask treatment. Use pure honey believed to soften the whole body. Do not be surprised if honey is so one of the ancient beauty recipes because the usefulness of this one.
That’s pretty five facts about honey. Besides healthy also keeps your natural beauty. Make sure you use sugar-free natural honey added to keep it beautiful and healthy. Stay beauty, Ladies.

Getting Into Home Tattooing For Fun

Getting Into Home Tattooing For Fun
Getting Into Home Tattooing For Fun

Getting Into Home Tattooing For Fun

Life keeps ticking on, and I haven’t been sure how to muster up the will to keep going. No, I’m not being dramatic, I’m not thinking of anything extreme, I’m just a bit bummed. I guess you could say it’s a mid-life crisis. I’m not thinking about getting a red convertible, well, I wasn’t until I just wrote that, now I am. But it’s not the typical feelings and thoughts, at least as portrayed in the movies. And I’m certainly not on the verge of breaking down and destroying civilization as we know it. No, it’s more a deep omnipresent feeling that I can’t get out of my head, that I’m not doing what I’m supposed to be doing, but I’m stuck in the current path and I don’t really see what direction I should steer myself in. I decided to compromise with my brain, okay, you’re not happy, but you can take control of some things. I can at least rebel in a sense in a way that’s fairly socially acceptable. I decided to get a tattoo, but I didn’t want to just head into a parlor and get any old design on any old part of me, I wanted to do it myself. I wanted the satisfaction of not only getting a tattoo but of learning a new skill. I thought that would make me feel better. I got one of those tattoo kits and tattoo gun that comes with the rest of the necessities for home tattooing. I figured, and correctly, that that would be a heck of a lot easier than piecing together all the things I’d need by myself. It was also easy to get all the stuff, because I was referred to which just had all I needed right there. So that part was extremely easy. I haven’t yet given myself the tattoo, but I have been practicing on the practice skins and think I know what I want to do, and where. I can’t really share that with the world now, because again, I’m doing this for me.